The right feed for the horse guarantees the health of the animal. It must be composed of minerals, proteins, energy, vitamins and mainly water. A few rules on the amount of food to be consumed are necessary.

The ration for a horse

A horse's diet requires grass, forage, certain fruits and vegetables. As a herbivore, the horse requires 50 to 100 kg of pasture grass, prairie hay or alfalfa hay and straw on a daily basis. This is all part of its physiological needs. If hay is the main feed for horses, the Department of Agriculture suggests that an adult horse should consume about 6.8 to 9.1 kg per day. The first idea is then based on the need to know the animal's weight. In addition, you must provide your horse with two kilograms of granules made up of cereals such as oats or corn, legumes such as soybeans or peas, and oilseeds such as flax or peanuts as extra feed. Alternatively, you may choose simple concentrated feeds made from plant grains.

Fruit that's good for your horse

Based on information from a few officials, you should be made aware of the benefits, but also the disadvantages, of fruit for horses. For example, fruits that are more or less acidic are not good for horses. You should therefore do without certain slightly acidic fruits that can cause heartburn. Apples are particularly noteworthy. You can replace them with bananas, rusks, celery sticks, dry bread, plain water diluted with a little syrup. Even so, make sure that the quantity prepared is moderate. You will be successful if you follow this guideline. Be aware that vitamins and calcium are present in these fruits, and the horse needs them very much to ensure its existence.

The best vegetables prepared for your horse

Vegetables are part of the diet, they are good as horse feed. Among these vegetable plants, beets are the ideal natural supplement to rations. There is also cabbage, rich in fibre, which stimulates intestinal transit and can help the animal's digestion. In addition, celery is a mineral that harmonizes the animal's water retention. Then there is cucumber, which, with its 95% water content, has a refreshing power with its low caloric value. Finally, pumpkin is rich in vitamin A and has a strong effect on the functions of the animal's immune system. Nevertheless, it is forbidden to feed the horse the following fruits and vegetables: avocado, tomato, potato. In particular, once eaten in excess, broccoli and cauliflower each have the property of producing gas in the animal's stomach.