
How does a professional horse race take place ?

Professional horseracing has become a very popular game, especially among bettors. But before you try your hand at turf, do you know what the different types of races are? And what are the rules that govern the running of a…

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Order online and enjoy a wide selection of equestrian related products

Nowadays, everything is sold online. It’s more convenient and more economical. Convenient, because the majority of people use the internet to communicate with each other and have customers. Economical, because it will avoid wasting time. You won’t have to travel,…

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What are the components of a good horse saddle?

Would you like to ride a horse or simply revise your knowledge of the elements that make up a good horse saddle? Whatever your reasons, it is always a good idea to find out about the parts and composition of…

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Home cooked meals to simplify the feeding of your horse.

Feeding your horse well means knowing exactly what he needs. Its diet must be perfectly balanced and adapted to its activity, its morphology and its breed. Indeed, its feed can be tedious to prepare day after day. Prepared or ready-made…

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